FTZ Institute of regulatory services

General Facts: 
We have established multiple social and market-oriented third-party certification platforms such as the platform of certification services for supply chain safety, platform of risk supervisory for cross-border e-commerce and platform of intermediate services for imported food labels. Through providing socialized services in disciplines of testing and certification in FTZs, we have been continuously making efforts to help put forward government function transformations.
Research Projects: 

1. Our team, as one of the first university institutions in China to provide services of third party testing, has developed at our university, a Shanghai Port testing base of which an electromagnetic compatibility laboratory has already been established during the first stage of development with the investment of 15 million RMB through collaborative cooperation ties with China Quality Inspection Center East China Laboratory.

2. The university has become one of the first academic institutions in China serving as the base for platforms of nation-wise risk testing and certification. The platform of risk supervisory of cross-border e-commerce has been built cooperatively with Shanghai Exit &Entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureau with the investment of 8 million RMB.

3. The university is also one of the first academic institutions in China providing intermediate services of imported food label certification on the basis of a platform co-established with Shanghai Exit &Entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureau.

Research Staff: 
Headed by Professor Bin Yang, our academic team has brought together multidisciplinary expertise, including 11 research staff of 3 professors, 3 associate professors and 5 lecturers.