





于航,博士、副教授。现任职于上海海事大学中国(上海)自贸区供应链研究院。澳大利亚悉尼大学交通与物流研究所及南昆士兰大学访问学者,上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划学者,2022年中国科协智库青年人才计划学者。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目一项,省部级项目两项,主持参与横向课题超300万。主要研究方向为智慧港航物流运作优化。近五年共发表论文30余篇,主要发表于Transportation Research Part ED, Annals of Operations Research, Advanced Engineering Informatics, Ocean & Coastal Management, Maritime Policy & Management, Maritime Economics & Logistics, Research in Transportation Economics 等领域与行业代表期刊。同时,也是Transportation Research Part DTransport PolicyAdvanced Engineering Informatics等多个国际期刊的审稿人。



1. 智慧港口运营管理优化

2. 绿色港航发展评价与运营优化



Guo, X., He, J.*, Yu, H., Liu, M. (2023) Carbon peak simulation and peak pathway analysis for hub-and-spoke container intermodal network, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tre.2023.103332

He, J., Zhang, L., Deng, Y., Yu, H.*, Huang, M., Tan, C. (2023) An allocation approach for external truck tasks appointment in automated container terminal, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 55, 101864.

Guo, X.Y., He, J.L.*, Lan, M., Yu, H., Yan, W. (2022). Modeling carbon emission estimation for hinterland-based container intermodal network. Journal of Cleaner Production, 378: 134593 

Yu, H., Huang, M., He, J.*, & Tan, C. (2022). The clustering strategy for stacks allocation in automated container terminals. Maritime Policy & Management, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1080/03088839.2022.2119616 

Yu, H., Huang, M.*, Zhang, L., & Tan, C. (2022). Yard template generation for automated container terminal based on bay sharing strategy. Annals of Operations Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-022-04657-9.

He, J., Xiao, X., Yu, H*., & Zhang, Z. (2022). Dynamic yard allocation for automated container terminal. Annals of Operations Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-021-04458-6.

Yu, H., Ning, J., Wang, Y., He, J., & Tan, C. (2021). Flexible yard management in container terminals for uncertain retrieving sequence. Ocean & Coastal Management, 212, 105794.

He, J., Jin, Z., Tan, C., Wang, Y., Yu, H. (2021). Yard template generation in a container terminal considering time requirement of vessel operation. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research. 38(03), 2140005.

Yu H., Zhang M.Z., He J.L.*, Tan, C.M. (2020). Choice of loading clusters in container terminals. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 46, 101190.

He, J., Yu, H., Tan, C., Yan, W., Jiang, C. (2020) Quay crane scheduling for multiple hatches vessel considering double-cycling strategy. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 120(2), 253-263.

Pan, J.J., Bell, M.G., Cheung, K.F., Perera, S., Yu, H. (2019) Connectivity analysis of the global shipping network by eigenvalue decomposition. Maritime Policy & Management, 46 (8), 957-966.

Yu, H., Zhang, Y. H.*, Wang, K., Zhang, A. M. (2019)A comparative study of airline efficiency in China and India: A dynamic network DEA approach, Research in Transportation Economics, 76, p.100746

Yu, H., Ge, Y.G., Fu, X., Huang, Y., Zhang. Y., Tan, C. (2018) Capturing effects of container location dispersion on quay crane performance associated with one loading at a transshipment terminal, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Maritime Engineering, 171(1):25–39.

Chen, J., Notteboom, T.*, Liu, X., Yu, H., Nikitakos, N., Yang, C. (2019) The nicaragua canal: potential impact on international shipping and its attendant challenges. Maritime Economics & Logistics, 21(1), 79-98.

Yu, H., Ge, Y. E., Chen, J., Luo, L., Liu, D., Tan, C. (2018) Incorporating container location dispersion into evaluating GCR performance at a transhipment terminal. Maritime Policy & Management, 45(6):770-786.

Yu, H., Ge, Y. E., Chen, J., Luo, L., Tan, C., Liu, D. (2017) CO 2 emission evaluation of yard tractors during loading at container terminals.Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 53, 17-36.  







